Vary your communication: mix image, writing and video in your publications. You will capture your customers over time!

Be specific and focus on informative and practical content
For example, make appear:
Contact details and location of your business;
Its opening hours;
A description of your main products and / or services.
Publish lively and visual content
Favor quality images, preferably non-pixelated and original.
La photographie transmet de l'émotion.
Le pictogramme illustre un concept et permet d'alléger une présentation.
Use free image banks like or for pictograms !
Demonstrate your expertise with value-added content
Showcase your know-how and give some advice to your readers. With a benevolent tone, your target will have a positive image of your business.
Some tips
Showcase testimonials from satisfied customers.
Provide tutorials and build loyalty through trust.
Make "Tops". For example, Top of the "10 criteria for choosing the right smartphone".
Make a video report on the premises of your company.
Bounce back on news related to your sector. Be reassuring and educate.
Recommend products related to your activities.
Organize a contest and animate your community on social networks.